Talent concept
Gathering talents is our talent strategy.
In terms of personnel selection, we should take "loyalty, sincerity and ability" as the criteria, adhere to the principle of "virtue first, ability second" as the criteria of appointment, and adhere to the principle of "virtue without talent, virtue is available, talent without virtue, talent is difficult to use".
Insist on attracting, cultivating and retaining people with "treatment, emotion and career".
Pay attention to employee training, let every employee improve and grow together with the enterprise. Pay attention to staff career planning, provide development space for each talent. In the process of realizing the dream of great cause, what we need most is talents.
Outstanding talents are the foundation of outstanding enterprises. We always believe that talents are the soul of enterprise management and development.

In terms of human resource development, our talent strategy is to tap the potential of employees, improve the quality of employees and optimize the talent structure through the practice of modern human resource management, so as to enhance the competitive advantage of enterprises, seize the commanding height of future development, provide a stage for talents who like innovation and challenge, and create a good environment for the realization of personal value, Pursue the best combination of enterprise needs and employee needs.
