In 2021, China power transmission and transformation equipment operation and maintenance technology forum was held in Wuhan
release time:2021-08-18number of times read:557

      On July 3, 2021, "2021 China power transmission and transformation equipment operation and maintenance technology forum" was held in Wuhan.

The forum was hosted by the power grid operation and maintenance technical training committee of China Power Equipment Management Association, the electrical equipment condition based maintenance working committee of China Power Equipment Management Association, Wuhan Science and Technology Association, Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone Science and Technology Association and Wuhan intelligent power grid industry technology innovation Association, Undertaken by Wuhan Nari Co., Ltd. of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute.

The forum invited academicians of the two academies, university professors, industry experts and other guests to attend and give keynote speeches. More than 230 guests from more than 100 units, such as State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, power research institutions and power equipment technology suppliers, attended the forum and jointly created a grand meeting for the exchange of operation and maintenance technology and management of power transmission and transformation equipment in the power industry in 2021.

Liu Sijie, executive vice president and Secretary General of China Power Equipment Management Association, who attended the forum, believes that building a new power system under the "3060" goal and the operation characteristics of "double high" and "double peak" of power grid have brought many new challenges to the safe, economic and green operation of power grid equipment. Holding this forum will greatly promote the operation and maintenance management of power grid equipment and provide strong support for the new power system.

Chen Jiahong, an expert enjoying government subsidies, a senior technical expert in lightning protection and a first-class senior professor expert of NARI Group Co., Ltd., said at the forum that it is of great significance to hold the "2021 China power transmission and transformation equipment operation and maintenance technology forum", which will effectively promote the exchange of operation and maintenance technology among enterprises and drive the common progress of national power grid operation and maintenance technology. This forum is the first and a good start. We hope to jointly build the power transmission and transformation equipment operation and maintenance technology forum into a high-level international platform serving power grid safety production and technological innovation in the future.

Focusing on the theme of "leading the innovation and development of operation and maintenance technology and helping to achieve the dual carbon goal of energy", the technology forum focused on the development of operation and maintenance technology of power transmission and transformation equipment, deeply exchanged the latest research results in the field of operation and maintenance of power transmission and transformation equipment, and carried out discussions on green power construction, flexible low-frequency AC transmission, equipment health management, digital operation and maintenance of power transmission and transformation equipment.

Pan Yuan, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, delivered a keynote speech on "accelerating green power construction and promoting energy industry revolution" at the forum. Academician Pan Yuan is an expert in the research field of magnetic confinement fusion technology and new power technology, and has made outstanding contributions to China's national defense construction and power development.

      Academician Pan Yuan delivered a keynote speech on "accelerating green power construction and promoting energy industry revolution" at this forum.

Chen Weijiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a keynote speech on the "concept of flexible low frequency AC transmission" at the forum. Academician Chen Weijiang is an outstanding expert in high voltage and insulation technology in China. He is now the first-class consultant of State Grid Corporation of China and has made outstanding contributions to UHV technology research and UHV project construction in China.
      Academician Chen Weijiang delivered a keynote speech on "flexible low frequency AC transmission concept" at this forum.

Dong xuzhu, Dean of the school of automation and electrical engineering of Wuhan University, gave a speech on "thinking and key factors of equipment asset management practice at home and abroad", and put forward unique opinions with international vision on equipment asset management and power grid equipment technology operation management of power enterprises. 
      Dong xuzhu, Dean of School of electrical and automation, Wuhan University, delivered a keynote speech on "equipment asset management at home and abroad" at the forum.

Nie Dexin, a subsidy expert of Hubei provincial government and a second-class employee of NARI Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech on "construction of digital operation and maintenance system of power transmission and transformation equipment".
At the forum, experts widely exchanged the latest research results and research trends at home and abroad, and sought in-depth scientific research and industrial cooperation, which will play an important role in promoting technology sharing, enhancing cooperative friendship and promoting the technical progress of operation and maintenance of power transmission and transformation equipment.
PREV:We sincerely invite you to the 22nd China International Cement Technology and equipment exhibition in 2021. We will see you soon!